Tagged by fabulous Fellow Fashionista
Everybody Says Don’t to list 7 Facts About CC:
1) I am a recovering sun worshipper. Italian
Flair, March 2003.

2) I am a total sucker for fabulous lingerie. Feathered fin dress at bordello.co.uk.

3) I have 30+ bikinis.
V Swimsuit Issue, 2009.

4) I was a smoker in college and I am still a “chipper,” as it is termed in the industry. This photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista
Mon Modele.

5) My mom is an avid hiker (having summited Macchu Picchu and Kilimanjaro, among others) but CC can't stand climbing mountains...
Vogue by Steven Meisel, 2008.

6) When I wear heels I have a 36 inch inseam. German Vogue, June 2008.

7) I am totally obsessed with
Mad Men. You can “Mad Men Yourself”
What are your seven fun facts, darlings?
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